Wednesday 22 June 2022

S and P 500 36 months MAV

 I have been monitoring this chart since 2015. The original timeframe for the crash was 2016-17 but then Trump happened and the cycle inverted. Is it time for it to finally crack? I think during the next 2-3 months the possibility of a crash will be high. 
Since the cycle has already been significantly extended the chances of a melt-up before the crash is in my opinion minimal. Significant rallies should be shorted.  

In 2000 the period from the top to the first monthly close below 36 MAV was 7 months
In 2008 the period from the top to the first monthly close below 36 MAV was 5 months
Today, we haven't closed below 36 MAV yet, 6 months have passed from the top

In 2000 it took 18 months from the breach of 36 MAV to the bottom, rPrice at the bottom was at -52
rPrice -52 from today's 36 MAV projects the bottom at $2442

In 2008 it took 10 months from the breach of 36 MAV to the bottom, rPrice at the bottom was at -78
rPrice -78 from today's 36 MAV projects the bottom at $2085

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