Wednesday 9 October 2019

SKI Charts 10/10/2019

Some important signals today.

Userx crossed to 16-20 sell signal. I doubt that it will buy the 35-39 at present. It is much more likely to buy by the end of the month. Also, one more test of the bottom is not out of the picture yet.

A double sell 16-20 and 35-39 index triggered today. This should portend a period of significant weakness. GLD and TLT rallied in sync for most of the time since November 2018,  I wonder if the time has come to decouple.  

Still in healthy up trend, no signs of weakness. It's to be seen how it will deal with the 2008 high.

Australia Gold Index
 As I said before the Australian golds have been leading since the inception of this bull. XGD sold its 16-20 two days ago and now touching/breaking the 35-39. The bottom, for now, was on 13th Sept. I will report if the 35-39 buys.

S&P is breaking the 35-39 and if, by 22nd of Oct doesn't rally above 3000 it will create some important bearish signals (double or triple sell).

I am long and staying long.

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