Sunday 3 December 2023

USERX and XGD.AX SKI charts

 I let my SKI site subscription expire (too quiet in recent months) so from now on I will only post in this space. Anyone who wants to reach me can do so through the comment section on this site or at  Good luck to everyone. 


USERX long indices


XGD.AX long indices


  1. What do you think, bm. Think this will have some legs? Seems like a break out that is long overdue, to me.

    1. Hi dvto,

      Indeed, it's a million-dollar question. COT positioning at present is where all tops since 2020 have been made but the momentum is still on gold's side. As I mentioned in my Friday blog, if we see a gap up over $2070 (which has occurred in Australia as I write this), and if we can sustain that level for a few days, it could indicate a breakout.

      It's worth noting that gold stocks are lagging significantly and might have substantial catch-up potential before any correction takes place. If I had to make an educated guess, it seems we might witness a squeeze on shorts first, followed by the beginning of a correction, with the $2000 level potentially becoming a support point.

      Keep a close eye on USERX at $10.28 for a breakout confirmation.


      P.S. If you're still subscribing, please send my regards to the SKI forum.
