Friday 7 September 2012

On track

In my last two reports I analysed what was needed to get the gold market in a bull constellation. In short the steps are: extended drop to get echoes in proper alignment, failed 16-20 sell to signal the bottom, an impulsive rally to buy the 92-96 and confirm the bottom, a breakout. In any particular application of these rules I will also mix in traditional TA resistance/support lines and reconcile the whole picture with them.

Lets comment on the development over last couple of days.

The bottom has been confirmed from both aspects, SKI and traditional. The close at 470.36 last night has done two things: 
  • it has confirmed the bottom from the traditional TA point of view (in line with SKI that already has done the same). It secured a higher high in addition to a higher low that is already in place.
  • Last time I wrote about a possibility of a triple sell if we headed straight down to buy the 16-20 echo. This possibility is now gone, it is not possible any more. The 16-20 is now quite far above other two echoes and PROTECTING the vulnerable spot where the 35-39 and the 92-96 meet. Also, the 16-20 is perfectly positioned to act as a support when 460 level gets tested from above. This is what I call a bullish market structure. There are no week spots and all critical junctures will be supported by this proper index alignment. The other case would be structurally very weak and prone to a failure. 

 What is next for the HUI? Now that bottom has been confirmed the only thing left is to break the trend line at around 480-490 (the SKI breakout has been confirmed). I expect the first touch of this area to produce a significant consolidation that is eventually going to be terminated by a 16-20 buy. This touch is not a requirement though, the consolidation can start at any time.

Instead of a comment I will just copy a sentence from my last report '... considering the prevailing negative sentiment and the action of the SLV chart I think there is a good chance that after some consolidation this chart breaks north to test the 2008 all time high...' 

Since its 2 months bottoming process had finished by issuing the 35-39 buy signal SLV has done everything perfect. It is up over 15% and looking healthy. The bottom is in and there is nothing weak in this chart. Is the 92-96 going to transform itself into a true bull or not is not so important. A correction would be healthy. 

The GLD chart, same as the SLV, looks like a complete breakout. 

The deeper the UUP goes into that whole below the harder will be to get out without selling the 92-96 bull. It already looks quite impossible.

Aussie gold
I said before that I expect this chart to buy its 92-96 echo in the form of an inverted head and shoulder pattern. Everything seems on track for now but it should be noticed that for Aussies the bottom is not confirmed yet.

I am still 50% long and now very calm to face the correction that inevitably must  come. If we visit HUI 485 first I will reduce to 25% and wait for the 16-20 buy to reload. If not I will go from 50% to 100% long on the test of 450-460 area.

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