Sunday 15 December 2019

16/12/2019 - Charts

Nothing has happened last week that we could recognise as a situation been solved. USERX is on the verge of selling the 92-96, Australian golds keep printing new lows, S and P 500 keeps rallying, the transport index couldn't manage to break in the new high territory but also it couldn't sell the 92-96, the dollar is on the verge of a double sell but is refusing to do so, bonds (same as gold) need to maintain the 92-96 etc...

A funny thing happened when I started typing this text. Since English is not my mother language I have the Grammarly software installed to check my spelling and grammar. The software has a new feature in beta testing that tries to detect the tone of the text being written. Here is the illustration of the conclusion that AI came to regarding my text, and it was before I wrote anything I just had the pictures uploaded.

Ha, ha...that is exactly summarising my feelings about this market. No need for my comments.

I am still long but really being tempted to sell everything and walk away for a month or two. That is the only bullish thing I could come up with.

Good luck everyone.






XGD Australia



PPLT Platinum

SandP 500


Russel 2000

TLT bonds



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